The Edible Garden
- Plant out some more lettuce seedlings to get continuous cropping into autumn.
- Now is the time to be thinking about the autumn/winter garden. As the summer crops are harvested dig over the soil, adding in compost and a dressing of lime, in preparation for winter crops.
- You can now start planting out seedlings of cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, leeks, celery and Brussels sprouts.
- Continue harvesting summer veges regularly. If you have powdery mildew on courgettes, cucumbers and pumpkins, this can be controlled with Yates Greenguard, one of the new environmentally friendly products used to control plant disorders.
- Sowing seeds is an economical and fun way to start off your winter vege garden. You can now sow the following seeds - beetroot, carrots, parsnips, spring onion, and silver beet. Sow carrots and parsnips directly into the ground and thin as the leaves emerge. Other seeds can be sown in seed trays and planted out into the garden as young seedlings.
- Keep an eye out for white butterfly caterpillars and dust affected plants with Derris Dust or Yates Success Naturalyte.
- Lift garlic and onions and lie out in the sun to dry.
The Flower Garden
- Daffodils, Freesias, Ixias, Anemones, Sparaxis, Ranunculus can all be planted now, in pots or directly into the garden. When planting in the garden incorporate some Bulb Food into the soil around each bulb. In pots mix in some controlled release fertiliser such as Osmocote or Acticote. As a rule of thumb the bigger the bulb the deeper you plant it - about twice as deep as the size of the bulb.
- Towards the end of the month start thinking about preparing pots and baskets for their winter displays. Use Daltons Premium Tub Mix. Seedlings of Alyssum, Lobelia, Pansy, Primulas, Viola will all be available this month to get you started.
- Trim back the long tendrils on Wisteria and other climbing plants that have finished flowering.
- Continue to dead head roses, perennials and annuals as the flowers finish. This will help prolong flowering into the autumn.
- In this drier period small thrip insects thrive. They especially like Fuchsias, Camellias, Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Photinias, and Gladioli. Spray with Yates Confidor to control these and other insect pests and diseases.
- In cooler areas give hedges a trim so they develop new growth to harden before winter.
- Remove spent summer annuals and prepare the ground for autumn/ winter flowering plants.
- If you intend sowing grass seed in the autumn, start preparing ground now. Spray out all weeds first with Roundup - be patient, wait till all weeds have died off before cultivating the soil.
- Finish picking stone and pip fruit, and then lightly prune fruit trees, removing any overcrowded branches to let more light in.